V edition
Curated by Michele Di Stefano

On 19 and 20 June the fifth edition of BUFFALO, the programme dedicated to contemporary choreography curated by Michele Di Stefano, returns to the MACRO. For the occasion, the work of some of the most interesting protagonists of the experimental performing arts scene will confront museum spaces, crossing the boundaries between different artistic languages. 






Habillé d’eau | Silvia Rampelli
7 pm – 10.30 pm – 25′


I am (t)here 

Aurora Bauza and Pere Jou
7.30 pm – 25′


L’attacco del clone 


8 pm – 20′


Variazione No.1 

Sorelle di damiano 

8.30 pm – 18′


fucking pure Primo studio 

Vincent Giampino 

9.30 pm – 30′


The Gyre (in situ) 


10 pm – 24′




(e poi entrarono i cinghiali) 

Simone Lorenzo Benini 

7 pm – 34′



Masque teatro 

7.30 pm – 30′


Incertezza di fase 

Roberta Mosca and Canedicoda 

8 pm – 25′


Emersione n.2 – un’andatura un po’ storta ed esuberante 

Antonio Tagliarini 

9 pm – 30′


A Very Eye (in situ) 


9.30 pm – 50′ 



19 June
7 pm – 10 pm
7.30 pm – 11 pm

The two entrances are equivalent, they include the same performances with a time slip of the first performance, which in the second case will be repeated at the end.    

June 20
7 pm – 10.030 pm
day ticket Full € 15.00 – reduced € 10.00
ticket office at MACRO Museum, open 2 hours before the beginning

Ticket includes a visit to the exhibition Autoritratto al lavoro (Self-portrait at work) by Elisabetta Benassi  

Info on teatrodiroma.net  



 The event is promoted by Assessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale and co-curated by Fondazione Teatro di Roma and Azienda Speciale Palaexpo