Public assembly moderated by Christian Raimo, with Giulia Addazi, Cristiano Corsini, Rahma Nur, Claudia Ricci, Pietro Savastio, Elena Zizioli, and others
8 September 2024, 4 pm – 7 pm, foyer
#Sonata #Supplement


“Democratic, grassroots, experimental. These are the characteristics of the school we would like and should at least learn to desire together. Instead, the Italian school is too often identical to itself, and above all incapable of reimagining itself. But this is not true for all the people who inhabit it: there is a diffuse, often carsic wave that finds its way into classrooms, after-school programs, social spaces, families, and any interstice where an educational relationship can be brought to life, to invent a school that is freer”.
Christian Raimo


GIULIA ADDAZI has a PhD in didactics of the Italian language, teaches Italian and Latin in high school, is involved in teacher training and conducts didactic monitoring of the national project Base Camp to counter educational inequality. 

CRISTIANO CORSINI is full professor of Experimental Pedagogy at Roma Tre University. He published La valutazione che educa (FrancoAngeli, 2023).  

RAHMA NUR is a poet and teacher born in Somalia and raised in Rome. She works at the public elementary school. She wrote the foreword to the Italian translation of Teaching Community: a Pedagogy of Hope by bell hooks (Meltemi, 2021).  

CHRISTIAN RAIMO teaches in a scientific high school, has written, among others, Scuola e resistenza (Altreconomia, 2024) and edited the collection of essays Alfabeto della scuola democratica (Laterza, 2024).  

ELENA ZIZOLI teaches Professional Pedagogy, Pedagogy of Narrative and Education in the Knowledge Society at Roma Tre University.    

CLAUDIA RICCI is an educator in a municipal nursery school and a researcher of the integrated 0-3 system.  

 PIETRO SAVASTIO works as a social researcher and middle school teacher. He is editor of the journal Gli Asini. 

Free admission subject to availability
Via Nizza 138

Media partner: Zero