88 min, color, sound

Lino Capra Vaccina joined the Italian music scene in the Seventies and founded with Walter Majoli the ethno-pop group “Aktuala”. He studied percussion, piano, composition, music history and choir at the Civica Scuola di Musica in Milan. He then started a long collaboration with Franco Battiato as a percussionist and co-author.  In 1975, with Battiato, Juri Camisasca, Mino Di Martino and others he created the group “TELAIO MAGNETICO”, playing a series of concerts that have made the history of the music avant-garde.


In the meantime, he researched and developed his own sound language and released in 1978 the album “ANTICO ADAGIO”. He worked on the records of several artists, namely Juri Camisasca, Alice and Giorgio Gaber. In the nineties he published two albums: “L’Attesa” and “In cammino tra sette cieli”.  He published a new CD in 2015, “ARCAICO ARMONICO” and currently performs in a duo with the oboist Camillo Mozzoni.


Through Lino Capra Vaccina words and selected tracks we retrace the Italian music experimentation of the seventies.