Artists’ Library: 1989–2021
With Noah Barker, Éric Baudelaire, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Claudia de la Torre, Maria Eichhorn, Simone Fattal, Aaron Flint Jamison, David Horvitz, Tobias Kaspar, Giulio Paolini, Walid Raad, Georgia Sagri, Luca Trevisani.
Opening 15 June, h. 5 pm – 8 pm

15 June 2021 – 5 September 2021
#Bibliographic Office

Artists’ Library: 1989–2021 is a three-dimensional bibliography, an exhibition project of the BIBLIOGRAPHIC OFFICE section, where the audience can come across and delve into the ways of thinking, writing, collecting and creating of a series of artists: Noah Barker, Éric Baudelaire, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Claudia de la Torre, Maria Eichhorn, Simone Fattal, Aaron Flint Jamison, David Horvitz, Tobias Kaspar, Giulio Paolini, Walid Raad, Georgia Sagri, Luca Trevisani. Each one has been asked to select three books by other authors in any literary genre, published since 1989, which are particularly important to their own artistic paths. A book by each of the invited artists will also be added to the selection.

Artists’ Library examines the years from 1989 onward: a symbolic date, a turning point, that of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the passage from analogue to digital, the invention of the World Wide Web. The outcome of this invitation will be a temporary library, a portrait of book production over the past thirty two years, and of various approaches to art and the world of publishing.


The texts exposed in the exhibition are available in the Extras section of this site.



Curator: Luca Lo Pinto
Coordinated by Sara Catenacci (curatorial), Veronica Botta and Sara Cattaneo (production)
Exhibitions and Events Assistants: Giulia Caruso, Beatrice Schivo
Art handling: Carlo Giannone
Assistant art handler: Matteo Pompili
Graphic production: Gimax
Insurance broker: MAG

Heartfelt thanks to: backbonebooks, Berlin; Biblioteca delle Arti, sezione di Musica e Spettacolo – Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna; Biblioteca MAXXI, Rome; Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome; Esther Schipper, Berlin; Fanta-MLN, Milan; McMaster-Carr Supply Company, U.S.A.; Merz Akademie, University of Applied Arts, Stuttgart.